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RC Pictures Online


How long have you been modelling? 
Been doing photo shoots since November 2018, then was focused on school until the summer of 2019 when I really got into modelling.

What is your favourite tattoo, where is it on your body? And what is it's meaning to you?
My favourite tattoo would have to be either the two paw prints behind my left ear or the memorial tattoo I got for my childhood dog. The paw prints represent my two cats who make sure I am never alone (they are super needy, which I love). The memorial tattoo is on my left ankle is a heart with my dogs name (Barney; he was a beagle so we would call him Barney the beagle) along with paw prints. These tattoos remind me everyday that I’m not alone.

Tell us about the most exciting place you have shot in? 
I’ve shot in a bunch of awesome locations, but I think my favourite location was out in harrow shooting my Harley Quinn set. My photographer had an amazing location that feature a bunch of different backdrops, one of my favourite sets.

What is your favourite style of shoot? Example:( Boudoir, Glamour…etc.  ) 
I would have to say boudoir or cosplay, I am obsessed with how the Harley Quinn set looked but I also love to feel sexy and glammed up.

What are your hobbies outside of the modelling industry? 
I love to make art, painting, drawing and anything that I can be creative. I love hanging out with my friends and family and of course my pets.



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